Sundial Garden Club
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Sundial Garden Club
We are updating the website after a number of year's and please pardon our appearance as we make our changes

Welcome to our club! We embrace challenges while nurturing our garden at the Hillsdale Library, where we hold meetings. Each month, a local gardening expert presents topics ranging from hummingbirds deer-resistant planting. Our programs are open to the public, and we advertise in the Pascack Press newspaper. Join us to learn and grow together!
Events Calendar

Note: All meetings will be held in person in the downstairs meeting room at the Hillsdale Library. Should there be a health issue that requires us to meet electronically, we will announce the availability of meeting via Zoom.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Feb.4 at 4:30pm 2025
Sundial Garden Club
Hillsdale Public Library
Featured speaker: Robyn Lowenthal, Bergen County Master Gardener
Topic: "All about Coleus"
Robyn Lowenthal is passionate about plant propagation and is an active member of the Teaneck Garden Club where she supervises the production of hundreds of coleus plants. She will discuss the history, types, and propagation of coleus, a most versatile plant. The speaker plans to bring rooted cuttings for members to take home.
March 3, 2025 4:30pm
Paul Kubarych will speak on "Deer resistant Plants and Garden Design
April 7 , 2025 6:30pm
Janet Schultz will speak on "A Collector's Point of View"
May 5, 2025 6:30pm
Paul Sisko will speak on "My life as an Artisan and Gardner"
Members please note:
Your dues for the next year are due now. They are $16/person per year. You can send a check payable to Sundial GC and mail it to Inge Langer, 59 Kinderkamack Road, Park Ridge, NJ. 07656.
Note: All meetings will be held in the downstairs meeting room at the Hillsdale Public Library.